Friday, July 27, 2012

Don't be a Baby -- Just do the elimination diet!

I've talked with a lot of people about their GI troubles... the world seems full of IBS!  The thing that continually surprises me is how many people seem unwilling to try the FODMAP elimination diet. According to the dietition Patsy Catsos who wrote IBS Free at Last, 75% of people who have straight forward IBS respond to a low FODMAP diet. Why not do something that can impact the quality of your life? Why?!!

It is seriously worth 3 or 4 weeks of a challenging or boring diet. The FODMAP elimination diet brought me many surprises...
1) I had no idea I could feel this good.
2) I had no idea how bad I had been feeling, as I was simply used to it.
3) I had made many incorrect assumptions about foods that bother me and foods that do not bother me. (I actually was able to add a number of foods back into my diet that I had given up years ago!)
4) Finally, I have some measure of control. I can travel, go to parties, go to restaurants and just be out of the house without fear of what my stomach is going to do.

Be brave and give yourself this gift. The strict part is less than a month. You can eat simply for that long. Heck, I think I could eat nothing but lettuce for a month-- and believe me I LOVE to eat. It gets easier after the elimination phase. It can even be fun, figuring out how to make it interesting and learning new ways of cooking.

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